Yo-Yo’s & No-Go’s – Are They Having Fun Yet? (Part III)

Welcome to a now almost epic series of party-success advice articles by me, Jon Paul Wedding Singer, Event Host & DJ

Here is the final part of.....

Yo-Yo’s & No-Go’s – Are They Having Fun Yet? (Part III)

In the previous parts of this article we have discussed... in >>Part I<< a profile of the types of people you may find among a wedding or event crowds, why they may not be dancing and whether or not this means a party is a failure.
>>Part II<< also considered some common mistakes that can be made in the construction and execution of your party planning and music programming (structure), then suggested some preventative measures and remedies.

And Now: The Hard Uncomfortable Truths part: some more reasons guests might not be dancing....

TRUTH #1:  The entertainer could be playing the Wrong Music at the Wrong Time. 
(i)  As an artist: what have you done to adapt or diversify your performance(s)?  I appreciate this can be limited by the show you’ve been contracted to provide – but client consultation and adding new numbers will keep you – and your audiences – fresh and interested.
(ii)  As a client: if you’re considering hiring an entertainer, are they versatile enough to tick the boxes for the majority of your guests?  You might love it, but a Joy Division tribute all night simply won’t light a fire for everyone. 

Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now
TRUTH #2:  Some Guests Are Just Plain Miserable....
insert pejorative of choice>,
and *sometimes* can only be there out of obligation.  If planning your wedding, you’ll might already know who these people are, and they’re possibly only be on your guest list out of obligation too… so don’t sweat it. 

I *told* you this was hard uncomfortable truths, didn’t I?

TRUTH #3:  You Can’t Please All of People All the Time….
….but function specialists will guarantee to do their very best to please you AND provide something for everyone.

Frankly, if an entertainer ever says:  “I can GUARANTEE to get EVERYONE up dancing ALL NIGHT!” then they’re fronting to bluff their way into the gig.  It is possible to have every single guest dancing from the get-go (I’ve been there: I’ve done that.  I got an XXXL T-shirt!) but there is no scientific formula to it. (I only wish!) So it can’t be measured or guaranteed.  Simples.

"But his website said he made it
to the X-Factor Bootcamp!"
What can be assured, if the artist is a pro, is the effort they put in, and that is measurable by the feedback their clients give them.  Clients: check out artists’ website feedback, Facebook wall or other review pages.   Can they prove their claim they’re “the UK’s #1 wedding entertainer” (or whatever)? 
Does that glowing review from Simon Cowell look just a little bit suspicious?  Can it be substantiated?
Can any former clients be contacted for direct testimonials?
How much effort have they put in to their demos? – are they good quality recordings or filmed by their Mam on her i-phone?

Anyone wincing yet?  Hard. Uncomfortable. Truth.

OK.  So, everything from here-on is aimed at helping other artists... but you as potential customers may be interested to understand some of the skills and thought processes employed,  you’re welcome to read on too.....just letting you know...

Artists...feeling despondent during the show?? 
On the night, if people aren’t dancing READ THEM.

You may well also see guests nodding their heads and tapping their toes – having a great time although they’re not necessarily on their feet throwing shapes. Look out for it  - it will refuel your performance.

Also, look out for the mixed blessing that is.... guests dancing ‘off the floor’.  Yes, out there, in the darkness at tables or at the edges of the room, where they can’t be seen by other guests.  SOOO annoying! 

So encourage them onto the main dance-floor: their presence will in turn encourage others.  If suitable, go out to them with your radio mic – this is also known as “moving focus”. 
Hell: bribe them onto the floor with free drinks* if you must!  (*Use sparingly.)

Just sometimes, the audiences'
reaction is too hard to read.
Look for little signs.
From a performer’s viewpoint, from time to time it still can be difficult to judge and get reactions – what’s that Rolling Stones song?  It can be hard sometimes to even read from the audiences’ expressions if you’re doing well...known as the much-feared ‘Stoic crowd’.  You’ll worry all night, and then they’ll praise you once you’re an exhausted nervous wreck at the end of it....or not.
In that case, always re-dig into your energies.  As a rule of thumb, if no-one’s complaining or throwing shoes…. don’t sweat it (too much).  Again: look for the nodding heads, tapping toes and SEEK EYE CONTACT.  Once again... -  “Get off your stage and engage.” 

It takes hard work, expertise and dedication to accumulate the many skills needed – and the determination to use those skills to the very best of one’s ability to give everyone a great time at an event. 

And you never know, put in the effort and as an artist you might even enjoy yourself too!

Take care….and have fun.

Jon Paul

- x -

As well as a vocal artist & events host, Jon Paul is executive-entertainer-manager-in-chief-boss-head-commander and
primary job-title maker-upper here at Phat Aahs’ Entertainments. 

We offer unparalleled live and DJ’d entertainment solutions, including free consultation on which services would suit everything about your wedding’s style, size and budget – even before your book!
Visit our main website for some ideas or contact Jon Paul to start your personalised entertainment planning.

Jon is available throughout the UK including South Wales, Bristol & the West Country, Cornwall, Devon & Dorset, West Midlands, Home Counties plus Greater & Central London.